The United States of America (USA) is a federal republic located on the North American continent, between Canada and Mexico. It has fifty states and one federal district and is governed by a federal constitutional structure. It is the third most populous country in the world with a population exceeding 331 million. Its capital and federal district is Washington, D.C. The most populous city is New York.
The USA is home to many different cultures, various ethnic groups, traditions and values, and is one of the countries with the greatest population diversity in the world. It is also a country with the largest international student population in the world, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to expand their life experiences and receive a university education here. Approximately 5% of all students enrolled in higher education are international students, and this number is increasing. International student enrollment in the United States has increased significantly since the mid-1950s, when it reached just 35,000, demonstrating how international education in the United States has come a long way.
There is a grading system generally used by colleges and universities in the USA. This grading is graded with letter grades.
However, some schools may also use the +/- grading system.
For example; A+ (97–100), A (93–96), A- (90–92), B+ (87–89), B (83–86), B- (80–82), C+ (77–79), C (73–76), C- (70–72), D+ (67–69), D (65–66), D- (below 65).
A student who receives an F grade from any course must retake that course. However, if the course in which he received an F is an elective course, he does not have to repeat it. In order for an undergraduate student to continue his education, his overall academic GPA must be at least C, that is, at least 2 out of 4. Master’s and PhD students are required to have at least a B, that is, 3 out of 4. A student who cannot meet this grade system is usually given the chance to study for one more semester. If the student falls below this level, his/her relationship with the school is terminated. In addition, it is not possible to transfer a student who cannot meet the required GPA.
In addition to compulsory courses at American universities, students can choose to study according to their interests, thanks to the elective course options offered to students. Another advantage that the education system offers to graduate students is the ability to do research and teaching at the same time while studying. In this way, the student has the opportunity to contribute financially to his own education.
Most American universities mainly use the semester system. Each semester varies between 13 and 15 weeks on average. This academic calendar covers the months September – December and January – April.
Exams to be Taken
Students who want to study at a college or university in the USA must successfully pass one or more of the following exams during the application process. The important point here is that scores may vary in the application criteria of colleges and universities. For this reason, the admission requirements of the targeted institution should be carefully examined.
For more information, you can visit our International exams content.
Although the costs of a student who wants to study in the USA vary depending on many factors such as the preferred institution, city and lifestyle, education costs are generally high.
Colleges and universities in the USA generally charge students an annual fee for educational expenses. On average, one-year tuition fees range between $20,000 and $50,000 for students. However, accommodation costs vary depending on the type of accommodation (apartment/dormitory), the size of the city, its location and the student’s lifestyle. In addition, many expenses such as food/beverage, transportation, other personal expenses, books and educational materials, etc. should also be taken into consideration.
If you are researching for university education in America or have decided to receive high school education in America, you can contact Plus Education & Career consultants to get detailed information about admission requirements.
Founded in 2005, Plus Education & Career works as the corporate solution partner of many prestigious secondary schools and universities. By providing consultancy in the field of education and career, it ensures that people obtain the academic or professional development they need.
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