The University of Cattolica was founded on December 7, 1921. The University of Cattolica (in Italian, “Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore” or Unicatt for short) is a highly respected university in Italy with its nearly 100-year history of famous politicians, lawyers, academics, entrepreneurs, journalists and writers.
The University of Cattolica; With 12 faculties, 48 vocational diploma and specialist training programs, 20 doctoral programs, 35 institutes, 87 research centers and 4 university centers, the university is a preferred educational institution because it prepares students for business life.
The current student population of the University of Cattolica is 43,302 and 10,000 graduates each year.
Two criteria have been used to determine the costs:
The first, which applies to most undergraduate programs, is based on the criterion of equivalent family income: in this case, contributions vary according to income group.
The second method involves fixed amounts: the installments are the same for everyone enrolled in programs that provide this type of taxation.
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